More importantly though, I had my weekly doctor visit yesterday. My mom took me. Dr. Baker found that I am 2.5cm dilated and about 70% effaced. He decided that he is going to put me on the NST monitor (the contraction monitor) and do a BPP (ultrasound) weekly from now on. Of course, I wasn't on the books for these extra two things, so our appointment lasted from 2:30 until 6:05pm!!
Anyway, they saw that I am still contracting regularly, which is to be expected. The ultrasound looked really good. I got the really sweet ultrasound tech who always sneaks in some 4D pictures. So, mom and I got a good look at Addison. Boy, has she changed in a week!! She has HUGE cheeks!! She looks like such a chunker!! I've added quite a few pictures on here. While we were doing the 4D pictures, Addie must have been upset with us!! She literally was pouting!! You can see it in her face in one of the pictures! She was very unhappy!!! HAHA. Plus, I think she's pretty squished!!
Well, we saw Dr. Baker again after the ultrasound and he said that everything looks good. He has put me on "house rest" through Thursday, meaning I can't leave the house, but can get up a little more. I can stand for a maximum of 20 minutes at a time. As of Friday, I'll officially be off of bedrest!!! WOOOHOOO!!! I'm so excited!! I have a feeling that I may "overdo" it, as I want to get some stuf done around here. Maybe she'll be born this weekend!?!?! Everyone keep your fingers crossed!! Dr. Baker is on call this weekend, but is off on Monday. So...Addison needs to figure it all out before Monday! HA!
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