Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Time Flies when You're Not Blogging!
So, I'm home from work sick today, so I'll try to update you guys on the past FIVE months since I've blogged!! Here's a synopsis!
July--We had Fourth of July, Aunt Kristen's birthday, New Braunfels, my 30th birthday, and our 6th anniversary. We had a nice Fourth of July, having family over and then we went to our church for fireworks that night. Addison loved it!! I was worried she'd be scared, but she was dancing to the music and watching the fireworks!
Kristen's birthday--Thursday was her actual birthday where I joined her to play Bingo at the SPJST hall...Man! Was that crazy!!! I never dreamed so many people our age liked Bingo!! Neither Kristen or I won, but it was a good time. Our friend Anthony did win something like $250, so at least there was a little luck at our table!
New Braunfels--We had a great time. At this time, Addison was still not walking, so our vacation was still fairly relaxing...We didn't have to chase her everywhere! This is always my favorite vacation. I was able to really relax and enjoy myself. Maybe next year Addison will actually want to get in the water!
My 30th--Paul and Kristen surprised me by getting together lots of family and friends at Pappasito's for dinner, then to Whiskey River for dancing. It was a lot of fun! The next morning, Paul told me to get dressed and to pack a bag. I didn't know where we were going! If you know anything about me, you know this stressed me out!! Me and my control freakness!! :)Anyways, he and Kristen surprised me with my girlfriends and their significant others in Galveston. Kristen's soon-to-be business partner let us use their beach house for the night. We had a great time! Thanks to Dr. Beckman for letting us use it! Us girls have decided we need to do something like this every year!
Our Anniversary--since we had just celebrated my birthday, we didn't really do anything exciting for our anniversary. Just loved on each other! :)
August--I started my new job in Klein at Mueller Elementary. I moved down to 3rd grade from 4th. Boy, is this an adjustment!! I LOVE my teammates, so that really helps, though I do struggle some days with my job in general. I keep telling myself that it will get better!
We also started Addison full time at the new babysitter, Rosie's. We love her! Addison loves it there too. She's able to join two other kiddos that were at Margaret's with her, so she already started with some familiar faces.
September--Addison turned 18 months, so we went in for a checkup. At this appointment, she had another sinus infection, so she was given Suprax, or something like that. An antibiotic to help. Well, she wasn't getting better and developed a fever of about 102. This scared me, so I took her to the after hours clinic, where they just switched her antibiotic. About a week later, she developed another high fever for several days. I was worried she had the flu or something, so we took her back in. The ran all of the tests--flu, strep, and even did a catheter on her to make sure it wasn't a bladder infection. Everything came back negative. The doctor figured it was just some sort of virus and that we were over the worst. Well, she started to hold herself and cry hysterically. I figured the catheter gave her a bladder infection!! Paul took in a urine sample and had them run a culture. Low and behold, she DID have a bladder infection with two forms of bacteria. All of the antibiotics she had been on were not curing the second bacteria. SOOO...four antibiotics (and a month and a half later), she was now on Amoxicillin.
October has now come along and she's still on the Amoxicillin. 3 days into it, she had diarrhea and was throwing up!!! I called the doctor. One nurse told me that it was just a reaction to the Amoxicillin, another nurse told me it was the stomach flu!!!! GOOD GRIEF!! Talk about stress!! And, my POOR BABY!!! Well, that weekend, I also got sick--we both had the stomach flu!!! We were both feeling good enough though to go to the Pumpkin Patch and take some good pictures. Finally, we got over our sicknesses and were able to go to the church's fall festival. Addison dressed up like a Texans' cheerleader. She had the best time! That Sunday was Halloween--we had the best intentions to go Trick-or-Treating, but she started to get fussy. She and I just passed out candy instead. She was funny--she kept waving the candy at the people on the streets like "come and get it!"
Now it's November--Things are going well, except that I'm at home, sick AGAIN!! I think my students and I are passing around the same bugs! We're looking forward to Thanksgiving in a couple of weeks. The only bad thing is that on the Monday of Thanksgiving week, Addison has to go in to get a VCUG and an ultrasound. Basically, they are going to do an ultrasound of her kidneys and renal system just to make sure she is anatomically correct. (I think that's the correct wording.) They want to make sure she has two kidneys, etc. Then, they will fill her bladder up with a dye and make it all come back out, making sure that it doesn't back up into her kidneys or anything like that. Yes, they have to use a catheter for this, so let's all say some prayers that this whole drama doesn't start again!
I will post some pictures from the past few outings...sorry this is so long!! I'll try to get better!
July--We had Fourth of July, Aunt Kristen's birthday, New Braunfels, my 30th birthday, and our 6th anniversary. We had a nice Fourth of July, having family over and then we went to our church for fireworks that night. Addison loved it!! I was worried she'd be scared, but she was dancing to the music and watching the fireworks!
Kristen's birthday--Thursday was her actual birthday where I joined her to play Bingo at the SPJST hall...Man! Was that crazy!!! I never dreamed so many people our age liked Bingo!! Neither Kristen or I won, but it was a good time. Our friend Anthony did win something like $250, so at least there was a little luck at our table!
New Braunfels--We had a great time. At this time, Addison was still not walking, so our vacation was still fairly relaxing...We didn't have to chase her everywhere! This is always my favorite vacation. I was able to really relax and enjoy myself. Maybe next year Addison will actually want to get in the water!
My 30th--Paul and Kristen surprised me by getting together lots of family and friends at Pappasito's for dinner, then to Whiskey River for dancing. It was a lot of fun! The next morning, Paul told me to get dressed and to pack a bag. I didn't know where we were going! If you know anything about me, you know this stressed me out!! Me and my control freakness!! :)Anyways, he and Kristen surprised me with my girlfriends and their significant others in Galveston. Kristen's soon-to-be business partner let us use their beach house for the night. We had a great time! Thanks to Dr. Beckman for letting us use it! Us girls have decided we need to do something like this every year!
Our Anniversary--since we had just celebrated my birthday, we didn't really do anything exciting for our anniversary. Just loved on each other! :)
August--I started my new job in Klein at Mueller Elementary. I moved down to 3rd grade from 4th. Boy, is this an adjustment!! I LOVE my teammates, so that really helps, though I do struggle some days with my job in general. I keep telling myself that it will get better!
We also started Addison full time at the new babysitter, Rosie's. We love her! Addison loves it there too. She's able to join two other kiddos that were at Margaret's with her, so she already started with some familiar faces.
September--Addison turned 18 months, so we went in for a checkup. At this appointment, she had another sinus infection, so she was given Suprax, or something like that. An antibiotic to help. Well, she wasn't getting better and developed a fever of about 102. This scared me, so I took her to the after hours clinic, where they just switched her antibiotic. About a week later, she developed another high fever for several days. I was worried she had the flu or something, so we took her back in. The ran all of the tests--flu, strep, and even did a catheter on her to make sure it wasn't a bladder infection. Everything came back negative. The doctor figured it was just some sort of virus and that we were over the worst. Well, she started to hold herself and cry hysterically. I figured the catheter gave her a bladder infection!! Paul took in a urine sample and had them run a culture. Low and behold, she DID have a bladder infection with two forms of bacteria. All of the antibiotics she had been on were not curing the second bacteria. SOOO...four antibiotics (and a month and a half later), she was now on Amoxicillin.
October has now come along and she's still on the Amoxicillin. 3 days into it, she had diarrhea and was throwing up!!! I called the doctor. One nurse told me that it was just a reaction to the Amoxicillin, another nurse told me it was the stomach flu!!!! GOOD GRIEF!! Talk about stress!! And, my POOR BABY!!! Well, that weekend, I also got sick--we both had the stomach flu!!! We were both feeling good enough though to go to the Pumpkin Patch and take some good pictures. Finally, we got over our sicknesses and were able to go to the church's fall festival. Addison dressed up like a Texans' cheerleader. She had the best time! That Sunday was Halloween--we had the best intentions to go Trick-or-Treating, but she started to get fussy. She and I just passed out candy instead. She was funny--she kept waving the candy at the people on the streets like "come and get it!"
Now it's November--Things are going well, except that I'm at home, sick AGAIN!! I think my students and I are passing around the same bugs! We're looking forward to Thanksgiving in a couple of weeks. The only bad thing is that on the Monday of Thanksgiving week, Addison has to go in to get a VCUG and an ultrasound. Basically, they are going to do an ultrasound of her kidneys and renal system just to make sure she is anatomically correct. (I think that's the correct wording.) They want to make sure she has two kidneys, etc. Then, they will fill her bladder up with a dye and make it all come back out, making sure that it doesn't back up into her kidneys or anything like that. Yes, they have to use a catheter for this, so let's all say some prayers that this whole drama doesn't start again!
I will post some pictures from the past few outings...sorry this is so long!! I'll try to get better!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Finally, A New Post!
I'm hoping this summer to become better at blogging. I am going to try to do this during Addison's naptime...along with the tons of other things on my to-do list!
Here are some updates on Addison---
-She weighed 20 lbs, 7 oz at her last doctor appt.
-She's in the 25-50% on her weight and head circumference and in the 50% for her height.
-Dr. Lacour predicted she will be about 5 ft 4 in.
-She still isn't walking yet, but has taken a few steps on her own.
-Addison's favorite game right now is "Peek-a-Boo". She covers her face with anything she can get a hold of and waits for someone to "look for her".
-She has been in the front facing car seat for quite some time now. We put her in it around Mother's day.
-She has been drinking whole milk for about a month now, always out of a sippy cup .
-She also likes to drink water, thank goodness!
Since I've blogged last, we've been so busy with vacations and all sorts of things.
The summer started with Addison's one year birthday party. We made it a swimming party, so I think lots of people enjoyed it! My dad made brisket, so we had bbq sandwiches, potato salad, beans, and lots of other goodies! I made a huge cupcake specifically for Addison and then a #1 cake for the guests. It was my first attempt at being creative! She loved it!!
Also, we followed the Polish tradition of having three items sit on Addison's high chair. Whichever one she would pick, it told her future. The three items are a shot glass, a silver dollar, and a bible. Addison went right for the silver dollar!! YEAH!! She's going to be rich! :)
Back to the cake...Addison wasn't quite sure what to do first...she kept trying to take a bite out of the very top of the cupcake. Finally, she made a mess and had a great time!
The next weekend, we left to go camping in New Braunfels. We had a good time there, visiting with lots of old friends. Unfortunately, we all came back with either the stomach flu or E.Coli....needless to say, we were useless for the next week!
Then, mom rented a house in Galveston from Sunday through Thursday. We tried to have a good time, but Addison was very fussy. We could tell something was wrong. We came home early to take her to the doctor---she was diagnosed with a sinus infection, an ear infection, and dermatitis!! No wonder she was fussy!!
This past weekend was Addison's first wedding. Leslie Heinrich got married and threw a great party!! Addison loved it!! What a party animal!! She kept wanting to get down and walk around (with someone holding her hands!). Around 10pm, Daddy was ready to go...Addison was still the live wire, dancing to the music and squealing, even in the car when we were driving home! She finally crashed in the car seat!
So....needless to say, we've been busy! I still haven't bought a new camera, so I'm going to have to borrow my sister's camera to upload some pictures! Thank goodness for Aunt Kristen!!
Here are some updates on Addison---
-She weighed 20 lbs, 7 oz at her last doctor appt.
-She's in the 25-50% on her weight and head circumference and in the 50% for her height.
-Dr. Lacour predicted she will be about 5 ft 4 in.
-She still isn't walking yet, but has taken a few steps on her own.
-Addison's favorite game right now is "Peek-a-Boo". She covers her face with anything she can get a hold of and waits for someone to "look for her".
-She has been in the front facing car seat for quite some time now. We put her in it around Mother's day.
-She has been drinking whole milk for about a month now, always out of a sippy cup .
-She also likes to drink water, thank goodness!
Since I've blogged last, we've been so busy with vacations and all sorts of things.
The summer started with Addison's one year birthday party. We made it a swimming party, so I think lots of people enjoyed it! My dad made brisket, so we had bbq sandwiches, potato salad, beans, and lots of other goodies! I made a huge cupcake specifically for Addison and then a #1 cake for the guests. It was my first attempt at being creative! She loved it!!
Also, we followed the Polish tradition of having three items sit on Addison's high chair. Whichever one she would pick, it told her future. The three items are a shot glass, a silver dollar, and a bible. Addison went right for the silver dollar!! YEAH!! She's going to be rich! :)
Back to the cake...Addison wasn't quite sure what to do first...she kept trying to take a bite out of the very top of the cupcake. Finally, she made a mess and had a great time!
The next weekend, we left to go camping in New Braunfels. We had a good time there, visiting with lots of old friends. Unfortunately, we all came back with either the stomach flu or E.Coli....needless to say, we were useless for the next week!
Then, mom rented a house in Galveston from Sunday through Thursday. We tried to have a good time, but Addison was very fussy. We could tell something was wrong. We came home early to take her to the doctor---she was diagnosed with a sinus infection, an ear infection, and dermatitis!! No wonder she was fussy!!
This past weekend was Addison's first wedding. Leslie Heinrich got married and threw a great party!! Addison loved it!! What a party animal!! She kept wanting to get down and walk around (with someone holding her hands!). Around 10pm, Daddy was ready to go...Addison was still the live wire, dancing to the music and squealing, even in the car when we were driving home! She finally crashed in the car seat!
So....needless to say, we've been busy! I still haven't bought a new camera, so I'm going to have to borrow my sister's camera to upload some pictures! Thank goodness for Aunt Kristen!!
Monday, May 10, 2010
My First Mother's Day
I was able to celebrate Mother's Day for three days straight! On Friday night, Paul surprised me with a two hour massage! Mom picked up Addison from the babysitter's, so I had a nice evening to myself. While at the massage, I was given some wine...then, she sent me home some in a styrofoam cup! So, I was feeling pretty good when I got home!! Paul turned on the hot tub and we tried to enjoy our evening, child-free. Unfortunately, the hot tub made me feel the wine even more than I wanted. When I got out, my head and stomach were hurting!! I hit the hay after that! (I really enjoyed my massage, but the lady really rubbed me---I have bruises all over my butt! I must have really needed that massage!)
The next day, I went to get my hair done. It's so nice having time to yourself! When I got home, we tried to pick up a little, as Paul's family was coming over to celebrate Mother's Day. We had brisket, potato salad, beans, and dessert. It was such nice weather, I really enjoyed sitting outside!
On Sunday, we went to church. On the way there, Paul pulled out a James Avery bag. He said "because Addison is the only one who knows what your heart sounds like from the inside." (This is my favorite quote about being a mommy.) He gave me a charm that was a heart that said "Mommy" on the inside. How cute! The only problem was that he had just given me the exact same charm at Christmas!! Oh well, it was the thought that counts. I'll go back and get another one. Truly, the fact that he remembered my quote and did something about it meant more than anything!
At church, they had all of the mommies stand up. I have to admit, I got a little teary-eyed. It's still hard to believe that I am a mommy. I finally have that beautiful child that we had been waiting so long for! Addison is the light of my life. I don't know what we did without her!
After church, we headed to Waller to spend the afternoon with my side of the family. The day was another overcast day, so it wasn't too hot. We sat around a visited, picked dewberries and peaches, and just enjoyed each other's company. We had lots to eat--ham, green beans, salad, pasta salad, potatoes, and lots more that I can't think of right now!! Overall, it was a great Mother's day.
I wanted to record my memories from my FIRST Mother's day, as I won't ever have another FIRST. I am truly a blessed woman.
The next day, I went to get my hair done. It's so nice having time to yourself! When I got home, we tried to pick up a little, as Paul's family was coming over to celebrate Mother's Day. We had brisket, potato salad, beans, and dessert. It was such nice weather, I really enjoyed sitting outside!
On Sunday, we went to church. On the way there, Paul pulled out a James Avery bag. He said "because Addison is the only one who knows what your heart sounds like from the inside." (This is my favorite quote about being a mommy.) He gave me a charm that was a heart that said "Mommy" on the inside. How cute! The only problem was that he had just given me the exact same charm at Christmas!! Oh well, it was the thought that counts. I'll go back and get another one. Truly, the fact that he remembered my quote and did something about it meant more than anything!
At church, they had all of the mommies stand up. I have to admit, I got a little teary-eyed. It's still hard to believe that I am a mommy. I finally have that beautiful child that we had been waiting so long for! Addison is the light of my life. I don't know what we did without her!
After church, we headed to Waller to spend the afternoon with my side of the family. The day was another overcast day, so it wasn't too hot. We sat around a visited, picked dewberries and peaches, and just enjoyed each other's company. We had lots to eat--ham, green beans, salad, pasta salad, potatoes, and lots more that I can't think of right now!! Overall, it was a great Mother's day.
I wanted to record my memories from my FIRST Mother's day, as I won't ever have another FIRST. I am truly a blessed woman.
Friday, May 7, 2010
11 months old
Wow!! Time flies when you're having fun!! Addison just turned 11 months old. I cannot believe my little baby is almost a year old!! We've been so busy lately, so I'll try to give you a summary.
Easter was great....we had Easter at Orbon's house on Saturday with my side of the family, then we had Easter at our house for Paul's side of the family. We had a beautiful new patio built, so we were able to spend Easter outside. Addison wasn't really sure what to do on our Easter Egg Hunt, but mommy and daddy helped her. Unfortunately, my camera broke on Easter!! My sister Kristen took lots of pictures, but I haven't been able to get them off of her camera. I'll upload them when I get them! We even took pictures of Addison in her beautiful Easter dress from Aunt Kristen. She found a pen while a church---Needless to say, we walked out with quite a bit of ink all over the dress---Luckily, it all came out in the wash!
Addison is working on getting the two top teeth now. She has been quite the pill at the babysitter's house. She wants all of the attention! Luckily, she's not much of a problem at home. She's actually pretty happy, so I think the teeth should be here soon!
Paul and I bought a new "big girl" car seat last night for his truck. We have one for my car, but didn't have one for his. I hoping to start using it this weekend. We'll see how she does!
We're also really working on only using sippy cups. Addison is doing really well with it. She likes the NUK brand cups the best. So...hopefully we will be able to put up the bottles soon!
We're planning her 1st birthday party. It'll be on her actual birthday, June 5th. I just can't get over the fact that she is almost one!! She's still just pulling up on things; not walking yet. She's starting to get brave and let go of holding onto things and just stand there. Then, once she realizes she is doing it, she falls down.
Oh, I forgot about losing all of the pacifiers!! We are pacifier free! Our babysitter helped us to work on going to sleep without her pacifier. On the first day, she cried for about 15 minutes before going to sleep. Then, it went down to 10, then 5....now she cries for about 10 seconds, then she realizes she's okay and goes to sleep. Naptime during the day is a little harder than nightime since it's not dark outside. My mom can't stand it that we let her cry--guess that's the grandma in her! Some nights there is no crying at all. We kind of have a new routine. Paul and I head upstairs and into bed around 8:20 or so. She loves this time!!! We play in our bed for about 20 minutes. She gets so wild, crawling all over the bed, laughing and playing!! It's so great! Kristen gave her a Precious Moments angel doll that says the "Now I lay me" prayer. We listen to it every night. Addison LOVES it!! She gets the biggest smile when we push the button. Last night, she clapped all the way through the prayer!
This Sunday is going to be my first Mother's Day. Paul bought me a 2-hour massage for tonight. Mom is keeping Addison, so that we can have a nice evening. I'm SOOOOO excited! I haven't had a massage since before bedrest last year! (Gosh, I can't believe bedrest started over a year ago!! How time flies!)
Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers out there. We are celebrating tomorrow with Paul's family at our house, then Sunday with my family at the land in Waller. I can't wait!!
Easter was great....we had Easter at Orbon's house on Saturday with my side of the family, then we had Easter at our house for Paul's side of the family. We had a beautiful new patio built, so we were able to spend Easter outside. Addison wasn't really sure what to do on our Easter Egg Hunt, but mommy and daddy helped her. Unfortunately, my camera broke on Easter!! My sister Kristen took lots of pictures, but I haven't been able to get them off of her camera. I'll upload them when I get them! We even took pictures of Addison in her beautiful Easter dress from Aunt Kristen. She found a pen while a church---Needless to say, we walked out with quite a bit of ink all over the dress---Luckily, it all came out in the wash!
Addison is working on getting the two top teeth now. She has been quite the pill at the babysitter's house. She wants all of the attention! Luckily, she's not much of a problem at home. She's actually pretty happy, so I think the teeth should be here soon!
Paul and I bought a new "big girl" car seat last night for his truck. We have one for my car, but didn't have one for his. I hoping to start using it this weekend. We'll see how she does!
We're also really working on only using sippy cups. Addison is doing really well with it. She likes the NUK brand cups the best. So...hopefully we will be able to put up the bottles soon!
We're planning her 1st birthday party. It'll be on her actual birthday, June 5th. I just can't get over the fact that she is almost one!! She's still just pulling up on things; not walking yet. She's starting to get brave and let go of holding onto things and just stand there. Then, once she realizes she is doing it, she falls down.
Oh, I forgot about losing all of the pacifiers!! We are pacifier free! Our babysitter helped us to work on going to sleep without her pacifier. On the first day, she cried for about 15 minutes before going to sleep. Then, it went down to 10, then 5....now she cries for about 10 seconds, then she realizes she's okay and goes to sleep. Naptime during the day is a little harder than nightime since it's not dark outside. My mom can't stand it that we let her cry--guess that's the grandma in her! Some nights there is no crying at all. We kind of have a new routine. Paul and I head upstairs and into bed around 8:20 or so. She loves this time!!! We play in our bed for about 20 minutes. She gets so wild, crawling all over the bed, laughing and playing!! It's so great! Kristen gave her a Precious Moments angel doll that says the "Now I lay me" prayer. We listen to it every night. Addison LOVES it!! She gets the biggest smile when we push the button. Last night, she clapped all the way through the prayer!
This Sunday is going to be my first Mother's Day. Paul bought me a 2-hour massage for tonight. Mom is keeping Addison, so that we can have a nice evening. I'm SOOOOO excited! I haven't had a massage since before bedrest last year! (Gosh, I can't believe bedrest started over a year ago!! How time flies!)
Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers out there. We are celebrating tomorrow with Paul's family at our house, then Sunday with my family at the land in Waller. I can't wait!!
Friday, March 19, 2010
9 month checkup and other stuff
Getting some love from Daddy!
Nothing like a John Deere!
So, we went to the doctor today for Addison's 9-month checkup....she's doing wonderfully!! She was 18 pounds exactly and was 27 1/2 inches long. She was in the 50th percentile for everything, meaning she's right on track...not so tall anymore. Everything looked great overall. I think I blogged previously that we have an allergy baby. Dr. Lacour had Addison on Claritin, but we're going to try Zyrtec now. She's doing well, but still has a yucky cough. This should make it better. We'll try it tonight!
In other news, this week has been my Spring Break. It's gone by WAY too fast!! I can't believe it's already Friday! Paul took off Wednesday through Friday to be with us. On Wednesday, we took Addison to the Livestock show. Here are some pictures from that. We really enjoyed our time with her here. Can you tell?? :)
(For some reason, I can't put the pictures below, they keep showing above...sorry!)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
2010 has been a rough year on the personal life so far. In January, we found out that a dear friend (Mark Thomas)'s brother passed away unexpectedly. Mike was so caring and thoughtful--he would never hurt a soul. Remembering the good times with Mikey at his rosary really brought out the tears. Then, March 1st, we found out that another dear friend, Paul Gilliam, passed away in his sleep. He was only 6 days older than Paul. Needless to say, last week was a very rough week, thinking of his wife of only a year, along with their family. Crissy has been so strong through all of this...I don't think I'd have her composure. Addison and I went to the rosary on Thursday night, then I went to the funeral on Friday. In the meantime, all of my girlfriends, including myself, mentioned that we'd been crying at the drop of a hat. This death, is the first of "our group". It has definitely opened our eyes to how precious life is, and how we need to remind each other how much we all love and care for each other. I cried all week, thinking about Addison and Paul, and how dear they are to me. Then, at the funeral, I boo-hooed, looking around at all of my friends. We all are such a tight knit group. I could only hope for the support that Crissy has from all of us if something like this were to happen to my family.
So, as I said, losing 2 friends in 2 months, has really opened my eyes. We are trying to eat healthier, and really enjoy every minute that we have with one another. I have tried to become a better person--a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. I can only hope to become better and better each day.
Hug your loved ones tight, and give them a kiss. You never know when it will be your last.
To all of my friends and family---I hope you know how precious you all are to me. Thanks for all that you have done for me, and made me the person that I am today. I love you all.
So, as I said, losing 2 friends in 2 months, has really opened my eyes. We are trying to eat healthier, and really enjoy every minute that we have with one another. I have tried to become a better person--a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend. I can only hope to become better and better each day.
Hug your loved ones tight, and give them a kiss. You never know when it will be your last.
To all of my friends and family---I hope you know how precious you all are to me. Thanks for all that you have done for me, and made me the person that I am today. I love you all.
I know, I know...
I know, I know...it's been forever since the last blog, but in my defense, we have had A LOT going on!! Addison is growing like a weed and we're loving every minute of it. She is officially 9 months old and we go to the doctor next week to get her 9-month checkup. But, as of right now, here are some of the "facts" about Addison right now. (This way, I can write them down on this and put them in her baby book later.)
--She weighs about 17 1/2 pounds.
--In the morning, she has been waking up a little "earlier" with daddy, so she gets a bottle before going to Margaret's.
--Then, at Margaret's she usually eats her oatmeal with fruit.
--She takes her first nap around 9-9:30 until about 11:30 or so, give or take about 30 minutes.
--She is still eating really good for lunch--this week, it's been chicken and noodles, green beans, prunes, spaghetti, and a few other things.
--We're still trying to get her to drink more liquids--she hasn't been too interested in the bottle at Margaret's.
--She will drink a full 6 oz bottle when she gets home with me--I think she's relaxed then.
--She hasn't been as good with dinner--a few bites here and there. She loves small bits of strawberries, or cheerios or something like that.
--Sometimes she'll drink a bottle before bedtime.
--She LOVES bathtime--she's in the big bath now.
--She started to crawl last week, but has really gotten the hang of it this week. She's tried to crawl on top of the babies at Margaret's, so she's banished to the other side of the room when they are on the floor!
--We tried out her new swing for the swingset last night...she loved it!
--We have an allergy baby for sure!! We went to the park last Saturday. On Sunday, she has a cough that is in her chest and a runny nose!! Poor baby!
Ummm...that's all I can think of now. I need to charge the battery on my camera so that I can take more pictures of her. I'm thinking I may do 9-month/Easter pictures soon. More to come!
--She weighs about 17 1/2 pounds.
--In the morning, she has been waking up a little "earlier" with daddy, so she gets a bottle before going to Margaret's.
--Then, at Margaret's she usually eats her oatmeal with fruit.
--She takes her first nap around 9-9:30 until about 11:30 or so, give or take about 30 minutes.
--She is still eating really good for lunch--this week, it's been chicken and noodles, green beans, prunes, spaghetti, and a few other things.
--We're still trying to get her to drink more liquids--she hasn't been too interested in the bottle at Margaret's.
--She will drink a full 6 oz bottle when she gets home with me--I think she's relaxed then.
--She hasn't been as good with dinner--a few bites here and there. She loves small bits of strawberries, or cheerios or something like that.
--Sometimes she'll drink a bottle before bedtime.
--She LOVES bathtime--she's in the big bath now.
--She started to crawl last week, but has really gotten the hang of it this week. She's tried to crawl on top of the babies at Margaret's, so she's banished to the other side of the room when they are on the floor!
--We tried out her new swing for the swingset last night...she loved it!
--We have an allergy baby for sure!! We went to the park last Saturday. On Sunday, she has a cough that is in her chest and a runny nose!! Poor baby!
Ummm...that's all I can think of now. I need to charge the battery on my camera so that I can take more pictures of her. I'm thinking I may do 9-month/Easter pictures soon. More to come!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Time Flies!
Wow!! I can't believe how much time has passed since I last blogged!! We have been one busy family!!
There have been so many things that have happened with us lately....I'll try to remember it all.
The day that we were getting our family pictures done for Christmas (a few days before Thanksgiving holidays), Addison developed her first ear infection---a double ear infection!! Poor baby--she was miserable, but so was mommy!! We spent most nights on the couch with her laying on my chest. She slept great, I didn't sleep much at all!! Soooo...Thanksgiving break wasn't exactly what I had invisioned!! Instead, we were at the doctor 3 times in 2 weeks. The first antibiotic didn't work, so we had to go back for a second one. Then, we had to go in for a checkup. Luckily, we haven't had one since!
Christmas was great! Addison wasn't really sure what to do with most of the presents, though she did try to open up a few! There's something to be said about having a baby at Christmas time!! It is such a fun time anyway, but now it's extra fun!! Santa (and everyone else in the family) brought Addison TONS of gifts. I'm not sure that Paul and I really had much under the tree! :) We had so many days to celebrate it! On the 23rd, we celebrated with the Salsgivers, on Christmas Eve we went to Aunt Kristen's to celebrate with Gran and Gramps, then on Christmas day the family came over to our house in the morning, then we all met up with the big family later on. All in all, it was great!
For New Years Eve, Gran and Gramps came over and babysat while we went to a party. They reported that she screamed for a good 20 minutes, definitely missing us!! Luckily she went to sleep soon afterward!! We'll have to give it another try later on!
Now, it's back to work for mommy, which I was really dreading this time! Addison has been SUPER fussy. She's only wanted to be held, or have you at least sit with her while she plays. You can't get up to do anything, or leave her side for just a minute!! She SCREAMS!! I took her to the doctor last Thursday and found that she had a virus. Her white blood cell count was up a little. Since it was a virus, she was told to be on Motrin and some medicine for her stopped up and runny nose. Well, none of this has been working. Addison has been very fussy for Margaret for a week and a half. I know it's been driving Margaret crazy!! It has really stressed me out, as I've cried about it a lot lately---worried that MY baby was the annoying one at the sitter that she dreaded to keep.
WELL.....today, we found 3 teeth!! The two on the bottom have come in and the one on top is about to come through. That's the reason she's been so cranky!!! I was so happy when we found these that I almost burst into tears again! My baby isn't annoying!! She's been in pain and now I KNOW what the problem has been! Thank you Lord!! :)
As for updating me and Paul, not much has gone on. Paul is working on getting an estimate to redo our patio before Addison turns one. I had my ingrown toenails cut out over Christmas break. Yes, I wore flip flops in the freezing cold over the entire break! Other than that, nothing to write home about.
We're back to work and getting our house back to normal has been our goal. Happy New Year to everyone!
There have been so many things that have happened with us lately....I'll try to remember it all.
The day that we were getting our family pictures done for Christmas (a few days before Thanksgiving holidays), Addison developed her first ear infection---a double ear infection!! Poor baby--she was miserable, but so was mommy!! We spent most nights on the couch with her laying on my chest. She slept great, I didn't sleep much at all!! Soooo...Thanksgiving break wasn't exactly what I had invisioned!! Instead, we were at the doctor 3 times in 2 weeks. The first antibiotic didn't work, so we had to go back for a second one. Then, we had to go in for a checkup. Luckily, we haven't had one since!
Christmas was great! Addison wasn't really sure what to do with most of the presents, though she did try to open up a few! There's something to be said about having a baby at Christmas time!! It is such a fun time anyway, but now it's extra fun!! Santa (and everyone else in the family) brought Addison TONS of gifts. I'm not sure that Paul and I really had much under the tree! :) We had so many days to celebrate it! On the 23rd, we celebrated with the Salsgivers, on Christmas Eve we went to Aunt Kristen's to celebrate with Gran and Gramps, then on Christmas day the family came over to our house in the morning, then we all met up with the big family later on. All in all, it was great!
For New Years Eve, Gran and Gramps came over and babysat while we went to a party. They reported that she screamed for a good 20 minutes, definitely missing us!! Luckily she went to sleep soon afterward!! We'll have to give it another try later on!
Now, it's back to work for mommy, which I was really dreading this time! Addison has been SUPER fussy. She's only wanted to be held, or have you at least sit with her while she plays. You can't get up to do anything, or leave her side for just a minute!! She SCREAMS!! I took her to the doctor last Thursday and found that she had a virus. Her white blood cell count was up a little. Since it was a virus, she was told to be on Motrin and some medicine for her stopped up and runny nose. Well, none of this has been working. Addison has been very fussy for Margaret for a week and a half. I know it's been driving Margaret crazy!! It has really stressed me out, as I've cried about it a lot lately---worried that MY baby was the annoying one at the sitter that she dreaded to keep.
WELL.....today, we found 3 teeth!! The two on the bottom have come in and the one on top is about to come through. That's the reason she's been so cranky!!! I was so happy when we found these that I almost burst into tears again! My baby isn't annoying!! She's been in pain and now I KNOW what the problem has been! Thank you Lord!! :)
As for updating me and Paul, not much has gone on. Paul is working on getting an estimate to redo our patio before Addison turns one. I had my ingrown toenails cut out over Christmas break. Yes, I wore flip flops in the freezing cold over the entire break! Other than that, nothing to write home about.
We're back to work and getting our house back to normal has been our goal. Happy New Year to everyone!
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